Canny Collar Reviews
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Liz Gray and Fiadh, Veterinary Surgeon, Rockhall Veterinary, Limerick, Ireland
"Fiadh is a 10 month old Irish Red Setter who has a lot of energy and who I have struggled to train not to pull on the leash. I had tried other head collars prior to buying the Canny Collar but they all seemed to rub into her eyes and she constantly pawed at her face.
After exercise her mouth would be frothing. I also noticed no real difference in how strong she was pulling me.
With the Canny Collar I can see a huge difference. The pulling has improved 80%. What is more important to me though is that it is comfortable for her to wear. She does not paw at her face like she did with the others, she can pant normally and it is not pushing into her eyes.
The Canny Collar is an effective and safe training aid that I will recommend to my clients with confidence"

Chrissy Roberts and Oscar, Wendover, Bucks, UK
"The Canny Collar is a miracle!
We have tried everything for our small poodle, Shitzu mixed breed. He is two and would never walk to heel. Well trained in all other aspects but a nightmare to walk. Constantly pulling. Within minutes of wearing this collar, he is now a dream to walk AND he is happy with it.
He actually almost immediately accepted the Canny Collar and seems to like it. It does not seem uncomfortable for him in any way.I only wish I had found it sooner as it would have saved us a lot of money.
He hated his harness and would hide when we got it out! He has a short nose due to his breeding and it still works perfectly. He now walks beside us perfectly and walking is now a joy. He is so well trained in all other ways, perfect recall, loads of tricks etc. We are both retired and although he is small, walking was strenuous as he constantly pulled, probably in anticipation of getting to a place where we chuck his ball (obsessed with it).
Thank you again!"
Jane Alice O'Shea and Lottie, Cullompton, Devon, UK
"I would just like to thank you for my recent order of a Canny Collar. It has been a great success. My little dog took to it very quickly and our walks are now an enjoyable experience, something I thought was never going to happen!
I shall be sure to recommend this collar to everyone. Thank you again."

Elizabeth Lindsay and Misty, Matlock, Derbys, UK
I have adopted a cheerful, curious and willing greyhound, of 25-26kg. We've had her for 3 months. She not only pulls on the lead, but pulls left right, also turns 180 degrees and pulls, when we've gently walked past another dog! She uses her shoulders to lead the direction left and right , she's a bit of a strength trainer in herself.
But I got the Canny Collar in the post yesterday , and used it this morning. I couldn't believe it! Loose lead all the way, easy to navigate the dog, lots of praise as you suggest, and only a few attempts to paw it away, easily solved by walking even faster. So now I get stamina training ! No bad thing.
So thank you for the miracle!
My daughter has got a Canny Collar for her Malamute, it's lasted 5 years, still good, and has made life so much easier to walk her dog. So it was a recommendation from my daughter. I'll tell our vets, next time I go. They recommended a halti, but I said my doberman just strengthened his neck muscles, and sorted that out in a week or two!
The clever mechanics of your collar will sort out my dog!"

Stephen Mellard and Milo, Mexborough, South Yorks, UK
"I’ve previously owned 2 Canny Collars and this week I received my third for my young cocker spaniel. I had forgotten how effective your collars are and I wanted to let you know how pleased I am with my recent purchase.
Our spaniel Milo is only 16 months old and can be a bit of an handful when out walking. He is only 12.5 kilos but he has the strength of a much bigger and heavier dog.
I received the collar yesterday and started using it this morning. Milo (not surprisingly) wasn’t sure about the strap across his nose and attempted to paw it off but after about 100 metres he soon started to walk without any issues. Over the 3 mile walk he did occasionally try the odd time to remove it but this wasn't a major problem.
The difference in the way he walked was remarkable! He did not attempt to pull in any way and walked to my side. It will not be long before he gets used to the Canny Collar and it will be more pleasurable to be out walking.
I made a wise decision to also buy the Canny Lead and I am also pleased with the thought given to its design and manufacture."

Sharon Rochester and Ugo, London, UK
"I’ve been walking a huge Golden Retriever for the past two weeks. Well, when I say ‘walking’ I mean handling! He jumps, mouths the leash, my hands and arms (to the point of bruising). I trained that behaviour down to a minimum but still he pulled like crazy (I’m only 5ft tall) and I was starting to dread the two walks per day that the owners requested.
I was advised to try the Canny Collar. It arrived today so I tried it first on a Golden Labrador who resisted it so I was expecting quite the battle with the retriever as he’s bigger and far less obedient on leash.
However, much to my joy, from the moment we stepped out this dog walked like a dream with your collar on. It was an absolute joy to have him stay at my side and stop when I did. In addition, I was able to stop and chat and there was none of the old jumping and attention seeking behaviour. I cried, I was so overjoyed at being able to walk him as outside of walking he is an absolutely adorable dog.
I cannot express how impressed I was and how dramatic and immediate the change was!! (He reverted back to pulling when I tried his old lead again so it’s definitely the collar doing the work!!)
I will be shouting your name from the rooftops and recommending you to all I know. Many, many thanks."
Peter Mason, Claverdon, Warwickshire, UK
"I am writing to say how useful I find your Canny Leads. I have three dogs and I purchased three of these leads in 2016. There are so many times when I have to temporarily secure one or more of the dogs to a lamppost or fence and the clip on the handle makes this so easy to do.
When I take the dogs to the park in the car they all want to exit the car at once but I can secure them, for a controlled exit, inside the car before I leave home. These leads are a brilliant idea and I am amazed no-one has thought of this before."

Aimee Collier and Indi, Birmingham, UK
"I’d fully recommend the Canny Collar to anyone who is looking for a gentle and effective way to control their dog when walking. Indi is very fearful of people passing nearby and would pull to chase buses and motorcyclists or children on bikes. She has now learned to not pull ahead or lunge because the Canny Collar helped us to keep her under control while we used positive reinforcement of treat training alongside it. We could see the difference on the very first walk.
Indi had a tendency to lunge for motorbikes, cyclists, joggers...basically anything fast moving. Quite a dangerous problem on a busy road. Now with the lightest of touch she is back under control and is learning to be completely disinterested in passers-by. She walks happily and it's a joyous easy walk for us."